But Wait, I Can Do That
The other day, I was talking with a friend about The Author Spot, and after presenting our five-cent elevator speech, she replied, “There’s nothing there I can’t do on my own.” And she’s right, TAS is not offering anything you can’t go out and do on your own,...
The TAS Fun Spot
Every so often, I run across a bit of humor that must be shared. Today was one of those days. I'll add to this post as I find bits worthy of sharing. Enjoy. — TJ A Writer's Riddle In a river, there...
A Word On Integrity
The Author Spot is old-school in that we value hard work, honesty, responsibility, and integrity. It’s the latter I want to address today. The Author Spot is a business. We have expenses. It costs a pretty-penny to license software, keep our servers secure in...
Gravatar – Do Authors Need This Tool?
Gravatar - A Globally Recognized Avatar One of the items in The Author Spot’s A La Carte Menu is Gravatar. If you’ve never heard of Gravatar, you’re not alone. In our experience, Gravatar is one of the most overlooked marketing tools available for authors. Once...
Welcome to The Author Spot
Hello. My name is TJ Culler and I’m the team-leader here at The Author Spot. The idea for The Author Spot, or TAS as we often say, came out of the frustration I and our team members experienced while trying to build our own authoring platforms. Time-and-again, we...
I Need What?
I Need What? In the year two thousand seventeen, I published my first book. What a feeling of accomplishment that was. It took two long years to go from a first draft to a polished second draft. Then I sent it to my editor. Lord, I was not prepared for what came back....
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