Hello. My name is TJ Culler and I’m the team-leader here at The Author Spot. The idea for The Author Spot, or TAS as we often say, came out of the frustration I and our team members experienced while trying to build our own authoring platforms. Time-and-again, we heard ourselves saying things like, “I wish someone would make this easier,” or “I wish someone would offer a service that…” does this or that. After a while, the inevitable question arrived, “Why don’t we just do this ourselves?”
That was two years ago, and after countless design meetings and hours of development, we’ve launched the first version of The Author Spot—a cloud-based hosting and marketing platform for authors. And while TAS remains a work-in-progress, it’s now online and available to you.
When we first started development on TAS, our focus was on author websites. But before long, we came to understand that website design was just a tiny sliver of a functional author platform. TAS needed to be so much more than just website design. So, we looked at our own author experiences to identify the places where we needed help—places where technical expertise offered the greatest value.
A Brief TAS Overview
As a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors, TAS participated in conversations with other authors about websites, website hosting, and design. We noticed that many authors look to WordPress-dot-com and GoDaddy Website Builder for solutions only to find progress halted by frustration. For many, technology is a barrier.
We realized that if TAS were to be a real value to authors, we needed to offer a solution to all the technical obstacles authors encounter on their way to a working author platform.
Our solution? We built The Author Spot cloud on the internet—a home base from where Author Spot members can launch their author platforms which include sales, marketing, reader interaction, bookings, and both written and video blogging.
Each TAS member account includes its own e-store where authors can sell books directly to readers. This includes print books, digital books such as epub, mobi, and pdf formats, and audio books. And here’s the kicker, the TAS staff sets up and manages all the technical details for you, so you can focus on writing and selling books.
And what puts The Author Spot over-the-top is every member account is promoted through an array of video blogging platforms. We setup recording sessions with each author member for interviews, background stories, project development experiences, project conception and influences. Then we edit and produce your content into clips for video blogging and podcasting through the TAS array of marketing sites.
In future posts, we’ll examine these TAS author platform features in greater detail, but for now, if you like what we’ve built and want to see if TAS is a good fit for your projects, then drop us message via our contact form or our support app to setup a consultation.
And in the meantime, go on and write, we’ll handle the tech.
“Till next time – TJ
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TJ Culler is an author, reader, and an adventurist. She loves working at The Author Spot as an Author Platform Specialist. Her hobbies include hiking, camping, and driving her Jeep in the great outdoors. After publishing her first book in 2017, TJ discovered what a daunting task an author platform really was. She now dedicates her time to helping authors, like herself, who struggle with technology. |

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